Screen Media
I designed my first website in 1994. It won an America Online® site-of-the-week award and received an enormous number of views. While working with and leading design teams in the investment banking world, I developed a CMS-style of building websites before Content Management Systems were even a thing. My sites for UBS and Morgan Stanley have been visited by hundreds of thousands of users all over the globe. Using Macromedia’s® Flash technology we created visually appealing sites that downloaded incredibly fast. The early versions of ActionScript® allowed us to have dynamically-loaded content that was in control of the banking teams. They could upload new data and have the site create on-demand, script-based art (charts and graphs, mostly) in ways that were entirely unheard of at that time. Now, with the advent of capable CMS systems, I love building projects for clients that they can maintain themselves with ease.
Because of the depreciation of the Flash Plug-in, I am only able to display these pieces in person on my laptop.
*ctrl+ / cmd+click to open an image in a new tab for more detail